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It is also about how only a deep friendship like this can change people's lives forever especially when secrets shared in that relationship remain unspoken for years.The story starts with the friendship and alliance of Abigail Armstrong with Lila and her brother, Vaughn, Meriwhether. These three grow up from children to teens, sharing what at a certain point is essentially too much to share. She not only sent me the new hardback copy of the book and autographed it, but she did it right away on her way to the airport as she was leaving town for a few days.She got me off on the right foot and has remained a supporter whenever I needed her. For one thing, it's a lot of work...and I had to chew a lot of sugarless gum to keep from gaining weight while testing all those recipes. As a mother who wants to revenge her daughter's tragic death at what she believes is caused by Abby's company and how it runs its "sweatshops" she is on a mission to confront the people responsible. All that a reader could want is there for them to sink their teeth into. She is left without anything and the only work she could take on was if someone wanted a socialite to run a party. This is a MUST READ for everyone!Karen D. I read and reviewed her marvelous book and then went out searching for any of her other books I hadn't read. Rochester for my early misapprehensions about men as well. When Abby's mother, the housekeeper for Lila and Vaughn's family is unceremoniously fired and chased from the only home Abby has ever known, horrific feelings and secrets go with Abby and her mother, Rosalie, as they leave the Meriwhether estate.Fast forward twenty-five years and the proverbial shoe is on the other foot as Lila, once a high member of New York society, is brought down by the results of her husband's illegal actions. I was captivated from the first page and the last, and was inspired to launch my earliest efforts at writing . Luckily (or nike shox nz unluckily, depending on your point of view) I've led an interesting life. Goudge has not forgotten to also expertly stir into this mix tragedies, illness, suicide, teen angst and the only thing needed to complete the end product, a former lover. She is a pariah to those she once courted and was courted by. Practice may not make for perfect, in every case, but it will put you on the path to getting published. THE DIARY is about sisters (what can I say - I have four of them!) who discover an old diary of their mother's while cleaning out her attic. For more on that see my website at After the success of SOMETHING WARM FROM THE OVEN, will there be another "cookbook" in your future?EILEEN: I loved doing the cookbook but doubt I'll do another one. When it came time to write my first author interview, who better to ask than Eileen? Once again, she came through for me.Here is my interview with Eileen Goudge and my review of DOMESTIC AFFAIRS follows.KH: What are you currently working on or working on next?EILEEN: ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, to be published in October '09. Still, hearing from readers who've enjoyed my recipes truly warms my heart, and you can't put a price on that.KH: What is your best advice to anyone, including young people, who want to be writers?EILEEN: Read, read, read. It was the best preparation I could've had. What happens when they're reunited in adulthood? It's anything but smooth sailing...I also have a novella coming out in time for Mother's Day. With not much call for that "skill", in an ironic twist, Lila is saved when she is hired to be a housekeeper in the now very successful, Martha Stewart-like, media maven, Abigail Armstrong. When he cowardly commits suicide rather than take his punishment, Lila's life falls apart. Could I just buy it and review it? What if I wanted a new book and permission to review it? With a book in mind that I wanted to review, I took a chance and wrote to Eileen 925 silver Goudge for a copy of her new book at that time, DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, because what did I have to lose? Well, I didn't lose but rather I gained! I gained an autographed copy of the book and more importantly a new friend and mentor. These secrets they share will direct the paths their lives take as they are torn apart in their youth, but then brings them back together later as adults. The final morsel leaves the reader satisfied but also sorry to see it end. I read it again recently and was just as captivated as I was at age nine!KH: What gets you started on a new book? A character or story idea or....?EILEEN: The eternal question 'what if?' If I see someone on the subway, I have a whole story invented for them by the time he or she gets off at his or her stop. Haney, Author/Developer of BOOKIN' WITH BINGO (, reviews books and interviews authors for her book blog. It's the story of two sisters who are separated at a young age, one adopted by a loving family, the other bounced from one foster home to the next. Sometimes an idea for a novel is sparked by a news story, but more often my ideas come from my own life. What they discover in the pages of the diary will come as a surprise to them...and to the reader.KH: What have you just finished reading?EILEEN: I just read an interesting and heart wrenching first novel titled STILL ALICE, about a woman, a 50-year-old Harvard professor, who is diagnosed with early on-set Alzheimer's. One word of advice: Don't start thinking about getting an agent until you've REALLY done the work.--And now, my review of DOMESTIC AFFAIRS by Eileen Goudge!For Eileen Goudge to write a novel better than WOMAN IN RED is something I never saw coming until I opened to the first page of this remarkable book. Nevertheless, in DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, Goudge has done just that! She brings us a love story on so many levels that it grabs you in the beginning and never lets go until the last page. My worst nightmare! No happy ending here, but there is a note of hope.KH: What books would you say have made the biggest impression on you, especially starting out?EILEEN: When I was in the fourth grade, I read JANE EYRE and life was never the same after that. The cost of producing inexpensive while highly desirable linens is too much when Concepcion's daughter pays the price with her life. When I first began to write book reviews, I didn't even know how to get a book to review. A sharp tongue and iron fist enables Abigail to run a top-notch business, while trying to still hold on to her husband and family. If you're not on TV, like Rachel Ray, forget it. I blame Mr. Concepcion travels to find the driven leader of this company that she feels took her child from her.As these three very different lives come headed on a collision course and confrontation, Eileen Goudge has not settled to just reward readers with the results of this meeting. First and foremost, this love story is about friends-and how although their friendship definitely is a roller coaster over time, it never loses its effect on the lives of the people it touches, nor the reader. Also, write something every day, even if only a blog or entry in a journal. To this day it is still the recipe for the 'perfect' novel - intrigue, romance, mystery, suspense, in all the right measures. When Lila becomes her housekeeper, the revenge should be sweet, but is it?Into this duo, a third important female character, Concepcion Delgado, enters. I was a voracious reader growing up - still am (when I have the time). From that day on, I kept reviewing and eventually began to write a book blog. (You know them - the moody, brooding types). While this NEW Abby now will only deal decently with her housekeeper, in memory of her now deceased mother, she is quite the opposite in the business world. Also, there's no real money in it. Reading and writing are her passion.. nike air max tn requin Michael Jackson hommes pas cherRequin TN Nike R4 Cartoon Chaussure Blanc Noir Neuve